Welcome to Closet World, your premier destination for bespoke closet designs and innovative home storage solutions. This Privacy Policy is dedicated to explaining our practices regarding the collection, use, and protection of your personal information while you navigate through our website or interact with our digital advertisements. At Closet World, safeguarding your privacy and securing your data are priorities.

1. Data Collection

In our mission to offer you tailored services, we gather various data types, including:

1.1 Personal Identifiers:

Your visits and interactions with our services might lead us to collect details like your name, email, contact number, and address.

1.2 Engagement Metrics:

We track your engagement on our site, noting pages visited, viewed products, and overall browsing patterns.

1.3 Technical Specs:

Details about your device and location, such as IP addresses and browser types, may be collected to enhance our service delivery.

2. Utilization of Data

The information we collect is utilized in several ways, including:

2.1 Service Provision:

To efficiently fulfill your requests, process transactions, and maintain open lines of communication.

2.2 Experience Optimization:

Aimed at personalizing and enriching your online interactions with us, and refining our offerings.

2.3 Promotional Efforts:

We may reach out with marketing materials, special deals, and relevant advertisements that align with your interests.

2.4 Analytical Purposes:

For assessing our website’s performance, gauging advertisement impact, and extracting business insights.

3. Sharing of Information

Your personal data is not for sale. It may, however, be shared under certain conditions, such as:

3.1 Operational Support:

Trusted third-party services may access your data for business support functions, including site management and analytics.

3.2 Regulatory Obligations:

Your data might be disclosed to comply with legal requirements or safeguard our interests and property.

3.3 Business Developments:

Should Closet World undergo a structural change like a merger or sale, your data could be part of the assets transferred.

4. Personal Data Management

You hold rights over your data, including modification, deletion, or opting out of marketing messages.

5. Data Protection:

We employ practical safeguards to shield your data against unauthorized use, sharing, or potential threats.
At Closet World, we’re committed to providing a secure and enjoyable shopping experience, grounded in respect for your privacy and data integrity.

Feel Free to contact us at 80029029 to book your free consultation!